How to have fun on holiday in Lecce

Itineraries and Gastronomic Tours of Salento, events, exhibitions, concerts and shows.

Do you wish to spend your holidays in a different way from the ordinary and have you chosen Lecce as your destination? If so, you will certainly want to know everything you can do in the beautiful Baroque city, where to eat, what places to visit and, above all, how to have fun on holiday in Salento.

Lecce is a unique city, not only for the beauty of its Baroque churches, palaces, monuments and seaside areas, but also for its strong link with the territory, which enhances the values of a tradition impregnated with culture, folklore, art and food and wine. On a tour of the province of Lecce you can experience the essence of the most genuine Salento, immerse yourself in its beautiful marinas, explore parks and natural oases, dance the Pizzica, taste the local cuisine, attend shows and artistic and cultural exhibitions.

We start our tour with the city of Lecce, and then continue with the Province and its most important events, with the promise that when you get back from your holiday in Salento you will have a lot to to tell. You will talk about music and traditional folk dances, concerts and food and wine tasting events, natural oases and marine parks, enchanting beaches and crystal-clear waters. Its magical atmosphere will seduce you your soul and body.

Discovering the wonders of Salento tours and excursions to parks and archaeological sites.

The Parco delle Cesine in the municipality of Vernole, can be visited all year round and is only a few kilometres from Lecce. You can explore the natural protected reserve and discover the species that live there by booking a guided tour, with an expert who will explain the illustrate the history of the forest, its rivers and ponds. With its 1600 hectares, the Rauccio Park in Torre Chianca Marina di Lecce is one of the most important natural protected areas in the Salento, open all year around. Have you ever heard of the Idume river, the one that flows through the Lecce underground? It is said that its waters were magical. And it is here that it flows, into a basin of great fauna value.

Roca, a marina in Melendugno, opens its splendid archaeological site from 10 April to 15 October to give you the opportunity to visit the splendid Grotta della Poesia, the archaeological area of Roca Vecchia, Località Castello. On the occasion, continue with a visit to Palazzo D’Amelj, Roca Nuova and the Abbey of San Niceta. An unmissable stop for those in Salento is without a doubt Porto Selvaggio, one of the most beautiful protected marine parks on the Ionian coast. Here, you can take a dip in its crystal-clear and cool waters, and admire the woody flora that characterises it from the sea.

Concerts and festivals in Salento: between music, Pizzica shows and taste markets.

We come to the grand finale, the nightlife full of concerts, fairs and festivals, to end our tour on a high note.

Concerts and festivals

The Parco Gondar events are back in the city of Gallipoli with a rich programme in July and August. There will be performances by the best-known artists on the national and international music scene, from electronic to trap, rock to funk, hip hop, reggae, and much more. What is your favourite genre?

The Salento summer does not stop here, but continues with one of the biggest and oldest popular music festivals, the ‘Night of San Rocco’ from 14 to 16 August in Torrepaduli, a Ruffano district. A unique event featuring the dance of swords, men duelling at the pressing rhythm of tambourines. Dedicated to the cult of the Saint and to the tradition of the Pizzica, the night of San Rocco is considered one of the most important events in the Salento tradition. Don’t miss it.

Getting to the heart of Salento folklore, now at its 25th edition, the ‘Notte della Taranta’ in Melpignano is the unmissable event of the summer. An itinerant music festival that involves the towns of the Grecìa salentina and which culminates in the last week of August with the night from which the festival takes its name.

Sagre and popular music

Let’s get into the true spirit of Salento. How to combine food and music in a unique solution? The “Sagre” are the answer. Immerse yourself in the essence of the Salento folk tradition, taste typical products and local wines, listen to the rhythmic notes of the pizzica and free yourself from all worries. This is the Salento summer celebration way par excellence.

The ‘sagra te lu ranu‘ in Merine invites you in the second half of July to taste many types of fresh homemade pasta. The traditional sagra of wheat features traditional pasta dishes, such as orecchiette and minchiareddi, sagne ‘nncannulate, focaccia, pucce and all everything that has wheat as the main protagonist of the dish.

‘Marangiane in festa’, a historic aubergine festival, is held in Melendugno, you will learn in how many ways you can eat these delicious Salento land fruits. Parmigiana, aubergines fried, roasted, in oil, stuffed, there is something for everyone. Of course, you can enjoy many other fantastic dishes.

One of the most popular festivals in Salento is Birra&Sound in Leverano in August is at its 17th edition and it is the first and most important European beer festival In Salento, where you will find breweries from all over the world, in a tasting of more than 100 types of beers. On this occasion you can taste some of the typical Salento dishes and get yourself caught up in the frenzy of dance with live musical performances by the most famous pizzica musicians.

There is only one way to eat the real puccia leccese, the one with the olives harvested from the centuries-old olive trees of Salento. It is one of the most favourite festivals for Salento residents and tourists too. You cannot say you have spent a real holiday in Salento if you don’t try the famous Uliata. The ‘Sagra te l’Uliata’ is held in Caprarica di Lecce, you can not only taste, but also take away with you this famous puccia as a gastronomic souvenir of your holiday.

In Maglie, the Mercatino del Gusto, in August, will delight the palate of true food and wine lovers. A tasting under the stars of many typical products and locally produced wines and, with the opportunity to visit the beautiful historical centre of Maglie.

Haven’t we talked about fish yet? Here we are at the ‘Sagra te lu Purpu’ in Melendugno, in the month of August. Octopus will be presented in every possible variant: octopus salad, octopus a pignata, fried octopus and octopus with potatoes, all rounded off by countless stands and stalls presenting many other culinary delights.

The biggest Sagra in Salento is held in Cannole and is the famous ‘Sagra te la Municeddha’. What is it all about? One of the tastiest dishes that the Salento has to offer, but which you are unlikely to find in a restaurant or in a trattoria. That is why you cannot miss this event, which takes place in August. The municeddha is nothing more than a snail with a dark brown shell. It is a real delicacy that you can taste with different preparations, roasted, with tomato sauce or with a delicious sauce of bay leaf and onions.

Piazza Sant’Oronzo in Lecce is decorated with splendid luminarie, made by the greatest masters of local artisans, in a spectacle of colourful lights, music, stands and stalls, from 24 to 26 August, in celebration of the patron Saint of the same name. And, at the end, a spectacular fireworks display.

Finally, in September, the festival that concludes the summer of Lecce is the ‘Festa te lu mieru’ in Carpignano, to celebrate the novello wine, the first production extracted from red wine grapes. A great celebration to end the summer in Salento on a high note, in the beautiful town square, with food stands and unlimited wine at the overwhelming and pressing rhythm of the most famous pizzica.

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